Mother’s Guide to Probiotics


The Mother’s Probiotic Guide takes out the overwhelm about picking probiotics & puts it all in one easy guide…so you’re not left standing in front of the health food store fridge, wondering what probiotic will make your family healthy.

It’s hard to keep up with all the research.

When it comes to your family’s health, you want to do your homework.

Most of us know by now, that health is connected to digestion, and critical for healthy digestion — and healthy families — are probiotics: friendly microbes with beneficial properties you can ingest to support health and life.

But it would take many searches of multiple websites, articles & books (not to mention the hours of reading) to find out the info summarized within the Mother’s Guide to Probiotics.

There are so many books & articles that have info
on probiotics…but you have to read hundreds of pages to get to
one useful point.

Probiotics occur naturally in our guts, in an incredible variety of numbers and species. Unfortunately, our modern lifestyles have left us with far fewer friendly beneficial microbes in our systems than we should have for optimal health. Medications (antibiotics and others), processed foods, stress, and a myriad of environmental factors influence our microbes negatively.

The gut has a profound impact on every other major system in the body.

This means that the microbes living in the gut do a lot of work for us — and the implications of this work go far beyond digestion.

They also help prevent infection, reduce inflammation, and make essential vitamins. And this only scratches the surface of all that probiotics do in our systems!

But if you have ever tried to sort through the hundreds of probiotic brands on the market to find The One that will have the most therapeutic benefit for your family — (and, if you’re reading this, you’ve probably done some late night scrolling through pages and pages on Google a time or two) — you know that you can’t rely on imprecise marketing claims alone.

The Mother’s Probiotic Guide matches current research to current health issues…in an all-in-one guide.

So that you can spend less time in front of the health food store fridge – wondering what probiotic will make your family healthy.

Avoid wasting time and money on probiotics that are neither effective, or specific to your family’s real-time issues.

I’ve tucked in to the research and weeded through the hype, to bring you a guide that empowers you to know good research from blatant advertising.

As a mother and nutritional therapy practitioner, I offer you this guide as a practical resource that backs your precious health spending with real, verified science.

Here’s what the Mother’s Guide covers:

What, Why, How & Where of Probiotics

  • What are probiotics
  • Why take them?
  • How do probiotics work (and how to know if a probiotic will work)?
  • Where do probiotics come from (who manufactures them in the 1st place)?

Probiotic Myths

  • The 6 Common Myths about probiotics
  • What is accurate instead
  • i.e. the myth – “Strain specificity is not important”

Prebiotics & compromised gut health

  • What prebiotics are, and what they have to do with the care & feeding of your microbial ecosytem
  • How most prebiotics aren’t great for those with compromised gut health
  • What my favorite prebiotics are

Specific Strains for Specific Issues A-Z

  • Which precise, tested strains of probiotics to use for particular health concerns, from A-Z
  • Have to use antibiotics? What probiotic should you take as well?
  • Have candidiasis? Constipation?
  • Eczema? Anxiety?
  • Diarrhea? Constipation?

Tips for Kids & Pregnancy

  • Probiotic use for ears, nose, & throat
  • Probiotics for kid’s moodiness

Brands & How to Dose

  • Criteria to put any brand against
  • How much probiotic is the right therapeutic dose by age
  • How to reduce die-off symptoms when starting probiotics


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